New Tender Packages

New Tender Packages | SmartGrid | Grid Rules | Tender Automation

Create your tender packages and distribute directly to your project trade groups using the Commnia SmartGrid functionality with automated distribution rules.

The Grid rules are a set of instruction that works with Commnia's SmartGrid to help you automate and send of documents faster and to the right people using intelligent automation. To learn more about Grid Rules click here.

The SmartGrid Rules will only work on documents in the Document Register.

Any documents added via the Commnia Drive will need to be assigned to the trade groups manually.

1. Navigate to Tender Grid

Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Tender Grid under Tendering.

2. Apply Grid Rules to Entire Register

Apply Grid Rules to Entire Register can be used if an estimator has just created a whole lot of new documents for the first time to the Document Register and wants to send out tender packages.

The system will go through your entire document register and find all the trades that need those documents and all you have to the is Select the subcontractors for each trade.

If you have created the grid rules Apply Grid Rules to the whole register.

If you are starting a new tender project and you haven’t set up your grid rules, click here to learn how to set up your grid rules.

3. Apply Grid Rules to Selected Documents

Apply Grid Rules to Selected Documents is if you have already created Tenders and sent some documents and now you have a whole new set of documents.

Go Into the Grid, select the new documents that you have uploaded today or in the last week, then apply the Grid Rules to the Selected Documents only.

4. Apply Grid Rules to Addendums Revised Documents

When the new documents uploaded are revised documents that supersede old documents, then you can also include Addendums in your Grid.

By Clicking Addendums it will automatically pick the people who need the revised documents.

Note the Grid Rules may already pick up some of these people but if your rules don’t include everybody that you have sent those documents to then the Addendums function will also pick those up so that no document is missed.

By clicking both option Grid Rules And Addendums ensures that all documents are sent out but it will not create duplicates.

5. Filter and View Grid

A green tick will be applied where the document/trade group combination meets the document grid rules conditions.

Basically, the Grid Rules will show you which Trade Groups need to receive the documents attached.

Changes can still be made to the Tender Grid before distributing.
You can manually add/remove documents, trade groups etc.
To see how to do this click

6. Add Users to Trade Groups

  • The number above each trade group tells you how many of your contacts belong to that group.
  • By clicking on this number, it will display a list of those contacts and the ability to Add/Remove any missing trade contacts. 

  • You can also add/remove trades to include in the Tender Package by clicking on Select/Remove dropdown.

  • To Add Users to Trade Group click on Add Users.
  • Click on the ... (ellipsis) to Remove User from Package or Delete User from Project.

You have the option to view all trade/user groups from the previous project by selecting from the Job drop-down list or filter by Companies, Trades and Categories.

Select the User to include by clicking on each checkbox, and then click on Add Selected Users. 

7. Create a Tender Package

Once you’re happy with your tender grid, click on Create Tender to prepare your tender packages.  

  1. Each Tender Package is grouped by the trade group. Click on the trade group name to expand the tender details.
  2. The Subject Name will be defaulted but can be changed by the user directly from this field. 
  3. The Tender Closing Date will default based on the project configuration held within the project register. 
  4. You can Add Users by clicking on the + recipients button. This will open the project contact list, click on the checkbox next to each contact you would like to add and click Add users. You can Remove a User by clicking on the X next to their name.  
  5. You can Remove Document(s) by clicking on the bin icon.
  6. To Add more documents click on Document Drive/Document Register. Select the documents you would like to add and click on attach. 
  7.  Enter your Email Message into the Description field. This field is Html which means you can copy and paste directly from emails, web pages and images.
  8. Alternatively, select from a list of Custom Templates.
  9. You can Copy Options to all tenders such as Closing Date, CC and BCC recipients, and Description.
  10. You have the option to Discard, Save as draft or Send Privately for each trade individually or Mass Send by clicking on the dropdown. The send privately function means that your recipients won’t see each other and know who has been invited to tender.  

To see how to create Custom Correspondence Templates click here.

You will see a message that says your tender has been submitted successfully and emails have been sent to your trade groups. 

8. Tender Package Email

Commnia will automatically send a Formatted Email with your tender package to the Trade Groups. This includes an attached pdf Letter, Project Details, File Download Link, Intention to Quote Yes/No and a Link to Upload their Quotation.

Responses are captured in real-time to the Tender Manager where you can advise your sub-contractors of their successful/unsuccessful tender. To learn about Tender Manager click here.

There are alternative ways to send Request for Tender Packages, you can also send with Email or with the SmartGrid an automated Trade Group/Document Assignment feature.

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