Variations are created through the Commnia Inbox as an email message. This way you retain full transparency within your Inbox.
Via Commnia Inbox click on the New Email button on the far right.
Alternatively, navigate to the menu bar icon and search New Email.
Select the document category from the drop-down list, or type in the search box to find what you need quickly. The email form will change depending on which document category you select, for example, a Variation will include subcategory.
Start typing the name of the contact to display a list of users from the project contact list.
Alternatively, you can click on the To, CC or BCC button to display the full global contact list.
If a contact is not already a part of Commnia, you are able to add them from the global contact list.
Once you have entered the information into the cost table, click on Add to return to your email.
Files can be attached to the email directly from Commnia Drive, the document register, from your local device or drag and drop files with no restriction on file size.
Once you have clicked send, the receiver will receive a formatted email with the option to view it as PDF Letter.