New Transmittal | Apply Grid Rules

New Transmittal | Smart Grid | Apply Grid Rules

Commnia’s Grid Rules - automated document distribution is driven by the intuitive document matrix.

The grid allows for Transmittal to be created with ease utilising document templates, automated distribution rules and complete traceability.

Commnia will look at each document and automatically add any user groups or trade groups that should be included in the transmittal. 

To auto-populate transmittal with the smart grid, the grid needs to be set up with distribution rules. To see how to do this click here.

1. Create New Transmittal Grid

Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Transmittal Grid under Document Control.

2. Add Documents to your Transmittal via Apply Grid Rules

Click on the Grid Rules icon and Apply to Entire Register, to auto-populate the transmittal grid and apply project distribution settings.

A green tick will be applied where the document/trade group combination meets the document grid rules conditions.
Changes can still be made to the transmittal grid before distribution.

You can also select custom documents from the register and Apply to Select Documents.
The Grid will recognise the documents details and assign it to the groups/trades according to Grid Rules.

3. Filter and View Grid

Each document is listed here and is grouped based on the document discipline. 

1. Exclude All Sent Documents - If this checkbox is ticked, it will not send a document to a user who has already received it. If you would prefer to send the documents to users regardless if they've received it, un-tick this box.

2. Manage Documents - Add additional documents from Document Register or Commnia Drive.

3. Manage Recipients - Add or remove trades and user groups.

To see how to manage documents and recipients click here.

4. Send all packages to all trades - will flag all documents to be sent to all user/trade groups in the grid.

5. Expand/Collapse all Disciplines - shows document category headings only, displaying a more succinct view of your transmittal grid.

6. Reset Grid - Click on Reset grid to remove all elements on the grid.

7. Show /Hide Document Description - Lists names of documents attached.

8. You can remove or view each of the document details by clicking on the 3 orange dotted lines. A snapshot of document details will pop up.

4. Create your Transmittal

Each transmittal created in Commnia will ultimately be sent through Commnia's email function. 

1. Once you have assigned all relevant documents to each trade/user group, click on the Create Transmittal icon to prepare your transmittal's.
2. You also have the option to view and save as drafts.

Commnia will automatically consolidate recipients if they have been flagged to receive the same documents. 
Each Trade will be divided into its transmittal. Click on the transmittal number to expand the transmittal to show further details.
You can review the recipients and the documents attached.
The subject line will default to the document category of Document Transmittal but can be modified here by clicking Change, if you would like the changes to apply to all transmittal subject fields, click on Copy to All Transmittals.

You can remove a listed contact by clicking on the x or to add more contacts you can click on +.

You can Remove a Document by clicking on the bin icon, to add more documents you can click on either Document Drive or Document Register.

This is where you can enter the body of your email to be included as part of your transmittal. If you have set up custom templates, you can view and add by clicking on Custom Templates.
The description can be copied across all the current lists of transmittal's being prepared by navigating to Copy Options and clicking on Copy Description to All Emails.

To see how to create custom templates - please click here

Once you’re happy with the content:
1. You can click Save or Send Privately to distribute transmittals individually. This means that your contacts will not see the other contacts who have been included on the transmittal.
Discard will take you back to the transmittal grid where you can make further changes to the grid.  
2. To mass distribute the transmittals.

5. Transmittal Email

Commnia will automatically send a formatted email with your transmittal to your contacts where they can download these documents directly from the email without needing to log in to Commnia. 

Your sub-contractor will be able to directly download the documents from the email link saving them time not having to log in to Commnia.

The email includes an attached PDF Letter - the email description and file list.

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