How to Extend the Closing Date for Multiple Packages
The article below demonstrates how to notify the list of bidders of the extension of the closing date.
Create a New Inbox Category Folder
If you would like help on how to create a new folder/ category click here For the purpose of this exercise, you would want to keep all emails for this category private so that the bidders don't see each other.
Create a Custom Inbox Description
Next, we create a custom "canned" description. For example; we might say something like:
The Tender closing date has been extended to the [Tender Closing Date]. Please inform us ASAP should you not be able to submit the quote by the due date.
To add this template follow the article instructions here:
Create an email notifying users of a Tender Closing Date Change
You must be from the same company as the original sender to extend the closing date.
- Find the original Tender Request email
- Click on Reply All
- Ensure the email is marked as private
- Change the due date
- Enter your description or select a template you added earlier by clicking on "View Custom Templates for Description"
Select the template from the list
- Finally, enter the new date in the description and click Send Privately
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