Upload Revised Documents to the Document Register

Upload Revised Documents to the Document Register


Commnia offers the flexibility to upload files of any size, including various formats such as PDF, DWG, CAD, MS Excel spreadsheets, MS Word, photos etc. Uploading revised documents to the register is a straightforward process: users simply need to upload the documents, and provide the necessary document details. This streamlined approach ensures a user-friendly experience and simplifies the task of adding documents while maintaining accurate and organised records within the register.


  1. Documents can only be uploaded to the Document Register from your local device
  2. Users cannot upload zip files to the Document Register
  3. Contractors only have the option to select For Approval when selecting the progress of the documents
Max File Upload is 2GB


1. Accessing the document upload screen

Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Upload Documents to Register under Document Control.

2. Uploading your documents

To add your files, drag and drop your files to the orange cloud icon or alternatively click on Click here to upload your file to open the open file dialogue box.

If you've clicked the Click here to select option, a file explorer will open to allow you to select your files.

Once you have selected your files, click on the Next button.

If you are uploading CAD files, it's recommended to keep the APPEND checkbox selected. By doing so, the system will automatically append. DWG to your document number to help differentiate CAD files and their PDF counterpart.

3. File Name Settings

Commnia has some built-in tools to help you Automatically Populate File Information. The file name settings are where you can use the filename syntax to Automate the Document Number, Document Revision and Document Description.

Based on the Pattern Builder, Commnia recognises the Document Number and will lock certain fields if it's a revised document, you will only be permitted to enter Revision, Status and Progress fields. 

Your Pattern Builder is automatically saved and made available to your colleagues, as long as your company follow the same file name standards, you will only need one person to set this up for your company.
The N icon should only appear for brand new drawings.
If the documents you are uploading is a new revision, a link icon should appear instead.
If it's a revised document, you can unlock it by clicking on the link icon, which will save it as a new document and not a revision.
In the case of a revision, you may need to double-check your Doc Numbers to ensure they are the same as the ones previously uploaded. The system recognises documents to be of the same set as long as the Doc Numbers match. By ensuring the Doc Numbers match, will allow the system to automatically supersede your drawings as revisions and select previous recipients for notification.

4. Enter the document classifications

Step 1. Select the classifications in the Select & Fill section

  • Status refers to the status of the document such as CC Issue, Issued For Review, Building Permit Issued etc
  • Progress advises the document progress. Some users will only have permission to upload in a review state until an authorised user approves the document to the register. Accepted will only be available to the company controlling the Register.
  • Revision Reason refers to the reason for the update.
  • Received From is the user that has sent the documents.
Please note, all dropdown options for classification can be customised by the Document Controller. If you require additional options, please contact them or any administrator of the project

Step 2. Select individual rows or select all the rows at once to update all the rows.

Step 3. Click Apply to All Selected button to add all the information into the selected cells. Add or Edit individual cells if required.

Step 4. Click the Submit Selected button to submit the files to the Document Register.

5. Next Steps

Depending on your role within the organisation, you will be presented with multiple options to further proceed.

After your documents have been uploaded to the document register, you can either Create a Tender Package, add them to an Auto Transmittal or View these documents directly in the register,

If you need to Notify others about the drawings you have just uploaded, select Submit with Commnia Email.

Full options are available if you are the Document Controller
Limited options if you are not the Document Controller

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To Upload Documents to the Register with MS Excel click here.

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