Tender List with Commnia Inbox

Tender List | Inbox

Commnia Tender List displays all documents that have been sent out to users via a Tender Request.

1. How to Access Tender List

Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Inbox under Communication.

On the left-hand side of the screen, you can see your document category list. Click on Tender Request to be taken to your Tender List.

2. Tender List View

You can select your Inbox View Options from the dropdown menu.

We will use Classic Register View as an example, each email displayed will have the following details;

  • The Paperclip icon indicates whether there is an attachment within the email
  • Category advises the document category.
  • Doc No is an automated sequential number for auditing continuity.
  • Subject displays the subject relative to the Tender.
  • Date Sent shows you what date the Tender Request was sent.
  • Due Date will display if the sender added a "Close By" date.
  • Status tells you how many days until the Tender is due. Negative numbers tell you that the item is overdue. "Closed" means that the topic has been closed.
  • Sent By the user who sent the Tender.

3. Tender Request Email

Click one of the Tender Requests from the list to see further details of the communication including the email history; even if it originated as a different document category.

Click on one of the emails to see further details or click on the Show all Responses + button to see each email communication.

You are able to reply, reply all and forward like regular mail service, however, Commnia Inbox gives you the ability to forward emails as part of an existing conversation, or as a new email (conversation).

  • As a new thread: this option will link your email to the existing thread.
  • As a new topic: this option will create your email as a new topic.

4. Additional Information

There are other email options available by clicking on the Menu icon which will display the following.

Internal / Closed Notes - You can add notes to the email.

Close Topic – You will be prompted to write a close response which will only be visible by members of your company. Closing topics are category-specific, so if there are more than one category as part of the conversation (e.g. RFI and a Back Charge), closing one topic will not impact another if it is from a different category.

Print – This option will print the email as a formatted pdf document.

New Task – This will show a dialogue box where you can assign a task directly from the email message.

To learn more about assigning a Task click here.

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