Create and Assign Tasks

Create and Assign Tasks

Tasks feature allows you to assign tasks to project users and keep track of their progress.

1. Navigate to Tasks

Navigate to the menu bar icon and search Tasks

The tasks screen will show all open tasks either raised by you for other project users, or tasks assigned to you by other project users. This way, you can clearly see all outstanding actions that involve you.

Click the New button to create a New Task.

2. Create New Task

Here you can enter the details of the task and who is responsible for the action. 

  1. Click on the Due Date field to open the calendar. Select the due date for this task to be actioned by
  2. Enter a Title
  3. The Job will default to the current project you have selected
  4. You can Assign this task by entering the name of the contact to assign to another user
  5. Enter the Description of the task. Images are able to be pasted directly into this field
  6. Click on Save/Save + Send to finalise and advise the user by email notification
It is optional to add CC's to inform the relevant users.
Users who have been copied will only have access to view the Task, they will not be able to edit or close the Task.
However, they can communicate via the chat log. 

The user responsible for actioning a task will be sent an email notification. They can click on View Task to be taken directly to the relevant task in Commnia. 

Each task allows involved users to Comment in a message style conversation. Click on the icon to display the conversation and to create a new comment. 

The Related Items shows you all dependant tasks that have been forwarded on to other users.
By navigating to Related Items tab and clicking New Related Item will allow you to create a subtask. 

To see how to manage tasks click here.

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