- ASSIGNED (Yellow) – the task has been successfully created in Commnia
- ACCEPTED (Blue) – Subcontractor/ Contact has accepted the task
- REJECTED (Red) – Subcontractor/ Contact has not accepted the task
- COMPLETE (Green) – Task has been completed by Subcontractor/Contact
- RE-ASSIGNED (Yellow) – either the Builder has rejected the repair or task completion and has been assigned to task once again to complete, or the task has been reassigned to a new contact
- CLOSED (Black) – Task has been completed and approved by the Builder
- DELETED (Red) – Task was incorrectly created and removed from the list of tasks
3. Manage Task Assigned to You
- Open the task assigned to you from the list by simply clicking anywhere on the information bar.
- The user responsible for actioning a task initially has the option to either accept, accept + complete, forward or reject the task.
- If the user rejects the task, it will send a rejection notification back to the task owner to reassign, reallocate or close
- If the user accepts the task;
- Marking the task as complete will flag the task as complete and send a notification back to the task owner for closure.
- You can forward the task which will create a sub-task; allowing you to assign to another user.
- If you have accepted and realised that you are not responsible for the task, you can reject it, it will send a rejection notification back to the task owner to reassign, reallocate or close.
4. Manage Task Assigned by You
The user who originally created the task needs to acknowledge that the task has been completed. Tasks that have been flagged for completion will be displayed with a green complete status.
Click on the task to display the task details window. Click on the drop-down menu and the following options will appear:
- Forward the task will create a sub-task; allowing you to assign another user.
- Re-Open will reassign the task back to the responsible user.
- Close Out will acknowledge that the task has been completed; moving it to a closed status.
- Reject will reassign the task back to the responsible user.
- Delete will flag the task for deletion. This is not a permanent deletion and can be viewed when the show closed and completed checkbox is ticked under the advance search options. As Commnia is a project collaboration and auditing tool, it does not allow the permanent deletion of tasks.
Task Status - Assigned or Marked as Accepted
Sometimes the subcontractor/contact may not mark a task as completed even though they have completed the job and notified you in other means of a contact email or phone call. You can then close the task and acknowledge it as being completed.
If the task is no longer valid or was created incorrectly you can delete it.
Task has Been Marked as Closed or Completed
The task can be re-opened after it's been closed or completed to be active for actioning again.
When you click on a Task the following screen will appear;
- This will outline the task details
- Any supporting documents or forms will be in the Attachments tab
- Chat / Work Log displays a message style communication relating to the task. You can leave messages by typing in the box and clicking Send message.
- The Related Items shows you all dependant tasks that have been forwarded on to other users, by clicking on the subtask it will direct the user to view the related task.