Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Commnia includes a Meeting Minutes function which allows you to create, distribute and save project meeting minutes directly within Commnia.

To create meeting minutes in Commnia the project administrator must first add meeting types and sections via the control panel.
To see how to set up meeting types and sections click

1. Navigate to Meeting Minutes

From the Commnia login screen, enter your Commnia login details and click login. 

Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Meeting Minutes under Communication. 

2. Create New Meeting

You will be presented with the Meeting Minutes summary screen showing all previous meeting minutes.

You can filter these meetings by project, date, chairperson or by using the search any keyword box.

To create new Meeting Minutes, click on New.

  1. Select the meeting type from the drop-down list.
  2. You can copy the details from a previous meeting if one exists. This will also allow attendees to be automatically copied across from the previous meeting.

  1. Enter the meeting date, start and finish times.
  2. Select the chairperson of the meeting. Start typing the contacts name and select from the list or alternatively, click on the Search icon to open the project contact list.
  3. Enter the location of the meeting.
  4. Type the purpose of the meeting.
  5. Enter any relevant meeting header notes.
  6. Enter the date and time of the next meeting if required.
  7. Type any meeting notes for the next scheduled meeting.
  8. Click on Save to continue.

Once you have saved the Meeting Minutes, the following options are available.

3. Add Attendees

  1. Click on Attendees to flag each contact as Attended, Copies To or Apologies.
  2. You can delete a contact by clicking Remove
  3. To add other contacts, click on the Add Attendee button to open the project contact list.

4. Add Minute Headings

  1. Click on Minutes to add sections, actions and responsibilities.
  2. Click on Add Section to add a new section to the meeting minutes.
  3. To view and edit each section of the meeting minutes, click on the section heading from the list.
  4. Click on Add Minute to add a new topic with the option to add a due date and responsibility.
  5. If there was a previous meeting, each minute will automatically be displayed; and includes options to Edit, Delete or Mark as Complete.

5. Add Minutes to Headings

Once you have clicked Add Minute, the following screen will appear.

  1. Enter the due date for the action.
  2. Type the name of the member responsible for the action.
  3. Enter a subject of the action item (optional).
  4. Enter the details of the notes or action items.
  5. Click on Save to update the action item.

The minute Description section is HTML formatted allowing you to copy and paste directly from emails, web pages and images. Click and Save and Continue to add more minute notes.

6. Send Meeting Minutes Email

  1. Once the meeting minutes are ready for distribution, click on the Email tab.
  2. You can preview the meeting minutes by clicking on the Preview button. A formatted pdf will open and display everything from who has attended, what was discussed, and what actions have been assigned.
  3. Click on the checkbox next to each contact you would like to include in the meeting minutes email. Alternatively, click on Select All to tick all checkboxes.
  4. Add Attachments if required.
  5. Click on Send Email to finalise and distribute the meeting minutes.
  6. A confirmation window will appear, you can edit the subject, description, and also include attachments.
  7. Ensure to click on the checkbox Confirm Send.
  8. Once you have finalised everything, click Send.

Each contact will receive an email with a pdf of the meeting minutes.

A copy of the meeting minutes will also be saved in the Commnia Inbox under the Meeting Minutes category.

Meeting Minute Email

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