How to create Tender Request, Tender Addendum and Quotation Request Email Template

How to create Tender Request, Tender Addendum and Quotation Request Email Template

Commnia Inbox by default has a Tender Request module built into the system and is used for Tendering and Bidding, however, depending on the type of project or the stage of your project you may want to create an additional Tender Template for example; Tender Addendum or Quotation Request.

This article will demonstrate how to create the additional template for the Commnia Inbox.

Please note that only BT and system administrators are authorised to edit settings.

Inbox Category

If you're an administrator, you should be able to see the settings link.

Navigate to the top right of your screen and click the cog to access control panel.

From the Control Panel, select Inbox

A list of all current inbox categories/folders will be displayed with its predefined settings.

  1. Module Name: Category / Folder Title in your Inbox
  2. Short Name: Optional Abbreviation
  3. Default Inbox Folder: Category to be displayed in the Inbox even if there are no emails as part of that category.
  4. For Quotes: When the checkbox is ticked, the category will become a Tender module. Tender modules have the following properties:
    1. Emails are always private by default and cannot be changes, this means the recipients in the "To" field will not see each other and will not receive each other's responses. You may add your colleagues to the CC and BCC field, they will see all the bidders in the "To" field.
    2. The email template will include the Tender properties, example, all Quote email include the intention to submit a quote and the quote upload button
    3. All Quotation emails include a Trade 
    4. For Quote emails will be available in the Tender Manager.
  5. Default Private: All emails created in this folder will be sent privately the recipients will not see who else the email has been sent to. 
  6. Inbox Collaboration: This feature is extremely powerful as it allows the email and replies to be viewed by not only the recipients and sender of the email but their colleagues who are part of the project. If you wish to limit the access of the email to just the recipients and sender then uncheck this option.  Example of emails that don't have collaboration include cost related emails example. progress claims.
You can use the search by any keyword to filter the list for Tender Addendum or Quotation Request. 

If you wanted to edit and customise existing categories, simply click on the Module Name and the following screen will appear with the standard rules.

Click on the checkbox For Quotes

The email category marked with For Quote is now considered a tender related email and will have the following attributes;
  1. It will be part of Tender Related Modules including Tender Manager and Tendering via SmartGrid
  2. The email will always be sent privately

  1. The recipients of the email will have a Yes / No button to submit interest and intention to quote
  2. There will be a link in the email allowing recipients of the email to Upload Quote

  • All Emails sent whether via SmartGrid or manually via Inbox will be stored in the inbox category you have created

  •  Remember to tick the checkbox For Quotes when creating the New Category.

    Full step by step instructions on how to Create New Inbox Category (Folder)

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