How to Create an Inspections and Checklists with Site Manager

How to Create Inspections and Checklists with Site Manager

Here we will show you how to record and manage Site Inspections and Checklists in Commnia.

Create a new ITP, assign defects and communicate with the relevant parties.

1. Accessing Inspections and Checklists

Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Site Manager under Quality + Safety.

2. Click New and Select ITP's

3. Enter ITP Details

  1. You can specify the Priority of this ITP, giving the people involved an idea of how important the ITP is to complete. 
  2. Enter the Due Date.
  3. Add Title.
  4. Enter the location by typing or selecting from the drop-down list. If the location doesn’t exist, you can add it from this drop-down list.
  5. Type the Name of the Responsible User or Company, and then select from the list of options to assign the issue to this user/company.
  6. Type a Description.
  7. Upload photos, documents or forms from your local device or the register.
  8. Click Save or Save & Send to create the ITP. The Save & Send option will email the responsible user about the defect.
It is optional to add CC to inform the relevant users. 
Users who have been copied will only have access to view the ITP, they will not be able to edit or close the ITP.
However, they can communicate via the chat log.  

If the ITP relates to multiple locations. click Select Multiple from the dropdown menu. You can do this for location and sublocations.

The maximum number that can be recorded in one entry is 100. For example, if you had 5 buildings with 5 levels of ITP's that is a total of 25 ITPS. If you add 4 bedrooms of ITPS on each level that is 100 defects.

Click on the checkbox to select your locations.
If the location doesn’t exist, you can add a new location by simply typing in the text field. Once you have entered the new location click Add then click Save.
Once you click Save or Save + Send a pop up will appear asking you for confirmation.
Click Submit & Notify or Submit.

To see how to complete an ITP click here.

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