Inbox - Control Panel, the ability to set view access by Groups

Inbox - Control Panel, the ability to set view access by Groups

Date of Request: Feb, 2020
Module Affected: Inbox
Current Status: Accepted - Planning Required

Request: The ability to allow System Administrators to further customise what Inbox Categories will have shared views. In particular, the ability to enable collaboration to certain groups for certain inbox categories. I.e You have created a group for your Estimators, only Estimators will have collaboration enabled for Inbox Category "Tender Request".

Current System: The system allows Inbox categories to either have Collaboration On or Off.
While collaboration is On, anyone from the same company will be able to access and see an email sent to their colleague.
While collaboration is Off, the emails in the system will work like a traditional email system. If you aren't sent the email directly you will not see the email.

Reason for Request: There are a lot of situations when you don't need everyone in your organisation to see/have access to the same email. Especially for items relating to contracts or quotes. This change will allow organisations to have greater flexibility and control over how inbox categories are accessed in their organisation.