

A hard refresh ensures that you are viewing the most up-to-date version of a web page and can be useful for troubleshooting issues related to cached data. 

How to perform a hard refresh:
Press CTRL + SHIFT + R at the same time. 

There are several reasons why you might need to perform a hard refresh:
  1. To see the latest changes on Commnia: Sometimes, when we have updated our web page, the changes may not be immediately visible on your browser. This can happen because your browser has cached an older version of the page. A hard refresh can be used to load the latest version of the page. 
  2. To clear browser cache: If your browser has stored a large amount of cached data, it can slow down your browsing experience. A hard refresh can help clear the cache and improve browser performance. 
  3. To troubleshoot website issues: If you are experiencing problems with Commnia, such as broken links or missing images, a hard refresh can help resolve the issue. This is because a hard refresh fetches a fresh copy of the page from the server, which can help eliminate any issues caused by a corrupted or outdated cached version.

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