Create and Edit Trade List

Trade List - Create and Edit


The Trades List is where you create the trades for the automated document distribution and email communication, allowing you to establish and customise the trades associated with your project requirements. 


  1. Only Administrators can create and edit Trade lists in Control Panel 


1. How to access Trade List

On the far right, click the cog and it will take you to control panel.

control panel

Select Contact to edit the trades list. 

trades list

2. Navigate the Trade List

  1. You can Filter the trades listed by Category or Description i.e. builder, client, subcontractor and Floors, Accountant etc.
  2. Each Trade listed displays a menu icon that allows you to Edit the Trade group. You can change the name, code or the category it belongs in.
edit trade

3. Add New Trade

To create a new Trade and associated companies, click on the New Trade button.

Description - Enter the name of your trade

Company Category - This is an optional field

Code - The code field is designed to categorise your trades.

Click on Save to add the Trade.

new trade

4. Delete Trade

To disable a Trade, select the trade and click on the Trash Icon.

delete trade

This will not delete the Trade but prevent any future contacts from being classified under this Trade.

5. Export Trade List to Excel

To export your list to Excel click on the Export to Excel icon.

export to excel

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