Commnia's photos and videos feature enables users to store and manage images for each project effortlessly. It allows both Commnia App and Desktop users to seamlessly share photos and videos, keeping everyone connected and up-to-date.
Accessing Photos
Navigate to the menu bar icon and click on Photos.
Commnia Photos Key Features
You will be presented with the Photos Modules
1. Search and Uploads
The search feature is based on the photo's description.
Type in the photo description or file name and tap Search.
To Upload Pictures simply click on Upload, Drag and Drop the file/s.
Once Uploaded you can select it and click on Options to Edit the Description.
2. Albums
The Album Category Filter is on the left hand side, where you can cycle through each Album.
To Create an Album,select your photos, click on Options and Create as Album.
3. The Photo Window
Images uploaded from both mobile and desktop will appear here, offering a dynamic view that adjusts based on your selected filters.
4. Access the options menu
1. After selecting the relevant images - navigate to the top-right of the screen and select Options.
2. Accessing the options menu allows users to either:
Download - Download the images to view them without internet access
Edit Description - Add / edit the descriptions for the images
Create as Album - Create a new album with the selected image(s)
Add to Album - Add selected images to an existing album
Delete - Delete the selected images
Microsoft Edge AI Services Compatibility
1. Hover over an image to bring up the Microsoft Edge features
2. Cick on the Ellipsis for more options
Visual Search
Allowing you to search for relevant images by hovering over the image and selecting the Visual Search button.
Edit Image
Hover and select the Ellipsis, from there click on Edit Image
Here you can Crop, Rotate, Set Adjustments, Apply Filters and Mark Up. This modified image can now be saved to your local drive.
Users can also view these photos on the mobile app. Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Photos under Quality + Safety. Select the photos you wish to add to an album by clicking the checkbox. 1. Navigate to Options on the top far right 2. Select ...
Users can also view these photos on the mobile app. Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Photos under Quality + Safety. 1. Toggle the Deleted button 2. Select the photos you wish to restore by clicking the checkbox 3. Navigate to Options on the ...
Commnia Inbox has been designed to be intuitive and simple to navigate. The new way to manage all your company and project-related communication. 1. Overview All communications are stored within a single repository giving you complete transparency of ...
Purpose The Document Categories Configuration is where you create and manage the document categories in Inbox. This feature empowers you to define and customise document categories according to your specific requirements. Consideration Only ...
Navigate to the menu bar icon and click Project Register under Operations, Go to the Project Status Click on the appropriate status to apply the project status filter. You can select single or multiple project status options.