Section | Organise your Smart Form by sections
Text | Display read-only text, instructions within the form
Image | Embed images within the form
Video | Embed videos within the form
Single Line
Collect single-line responses, ideal for brief entries like names, emails, phone numbers, or city names
Used for longer responses, such as addresses, notes, observations, or detailed descriptions
Allows the user to answer using numbers only
Allows the user to select the currency
Date Selector
Provide a date selection tool for users, enhancing form structure and data accuracy
Date-Time Selector
Offer a time selection option for entries that require precise date and time data
Allow users to select one option from a pre-defined list. Drop-downs can be nested, e.g., selecting a country in the first drop-down can filter available cities in the second
Single Select
Similar to the drop-down, but all options are visible at once. Ideal when no nested selections are needed
Use when users need to select multiple options from a list
Allows the user to digitally sign the Smartform
Allows the user to insert a table and insert additional columns
GPS Location
Lets users to capture their real-time location based on GPS data
Required | Allows the user to make it a required question
Comment Box | Allows the user to add an additional comment box
Attachments | Allows the user to upload images, videos, or documents directly from their devices, or use the camera to capture images in real-time