Approve a Form Submission as an Authoriser

Approve a Form Submission as an Authoriser

If you have been assigned as an authoriser to a form, you will have the ability to approve or reject the submitted form. 

From Home, select Forms.


In the Submissions tab, select All Categories.

Tap on the Filter icon.

The Filter page will appear. 
Tap on the checkbox inline with Pending my approval, and Apply.

approve form

All the pending forms that require you to authorise will be listed. 
Select the form you wish to authorise.

You will have the options to Approve or Reject the form. 
Tap Approve

approve form

A verification code will be sent to your phone number.
Input the code and tap Submit

approve form

A success prompt will appear, tap Close

approve form

The form status will be changed from Pending to Complete. 

Click here to learn how to reject a form. 

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