We have 2 revision for Doc No 2.01; A and B (B the latest revision)
The Consultant uploads the latest revision (C) and has renamed the document number to 201.
The document register now has 2.01(A) and 2.01(B) - B the latest revision and 201(C)
We need merge revision C with A and B. C will supersede B.
And we need to rename the document number 2.01 to 201.
Follow the steps below to complete this task.
1. Export revision C to your desktop with file format (Doc No - Revision - Description )
2. Delete Doc Number 201 from the document register
3. Select Document number 2.01 and click on edit in the document register.
4. Rename the document number from 2.01 to 201, if you have to update multiple documents, its best to use the find and replace tool.
Find the DocNo where there is a “.” (Full stop) replace with nothing
This will rename the DocNo to 2.01 to 201
4. Upload the exported document downloaded in Step 1 to 201. B should now be superseded with C.